Scenario Planning Course for members of the European Broadcasting Union

Scenario Planning for a Disrupted Media Landscape

Cultivating a foresight mindset to better use the future and understand change in public service media.


To set a strategic direction for an organisation, it is paramount to have a deep understanding of developments around you. Future scenarios are built to challenge internal mindsets on possible futures and their impact. A strong tool to shape and challenge strategies, spur innovation, and create proactive stakeholder dialogues.


We upskilled executives with a structured process for futures-orienting organisational strategy through applied strategic foresight and futures studies. The training was built around actionable, hands-on learning, and included tangible strategic foresight tools for their professional work with a focus on the future of public service media.


Foresight Mindset
Trainees build knowledge and cultivate a more forward-looking mindset while also building community by networking and exchanging experiences and ideas.


Actionable Toolset
Hands-on learning to develop the ability to spot and make sense of trends, issues, and critical uncertainties influencing their future strategic environment.


Understand Media Disruptions
The executives learned to create alternative views on the future of media and frame robust alternative futures scenarios that have relevance for decision-making - instead of only extrapolating current trends.


“Mathias Behn Bjørnhof from ANTICIPATE knocked it out of the park, teaching scenario planning to 20 European Media execs. Mathias facilitated to-the-point lectures and practical exercises, earning props for his excellent teaching style and the right blend of theory and hands-on learning.

The feedback was super positive and the participant felt the course was highly relevant to their work. We were all impressed with the energy and expertise Mathias brought to the table."

Testimonial from Frédéric Frantz, Training Business Manager European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Are you prepared to lead from the future?

Check out our Futurist Training page to unlock the skills and insights needed to anticipate and shape what’s next.

Begin your journey of cultivating a foresight mindset and seizing new opportunities today.


Crafting a Vision 2050 for European Chemistry [Research Study]


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