Scenario Process for Roche-La Hoffmann and Canadian health sector stakeholders

Canada Health 2030: Pathways to Personalised Healthcare

A multi-stakeholder exploration of personalized health and future of Canada


Canada Health 2030 aimed to understand how personalized healthcare could evolve in Canada by 2030. The initiative sought to anticipate future opportunities and challenges, ensuring that the healthcare system could effectively support personalized health. This required engaging a diverse group of stakeholders and experts to develop a strategic roadmap and actionable insights.


The initiative began with extensive research and horizon scanning to identify key trends and factors influencing personalized healthcare. This was followed by several virtual workshops involving Canadian health sector stakeholders and experts across sectors.

These workshops facilitated in-depth discussions on potential futures for personalized healthcare in Canada. Based on these discussions, four unique scenarios were developed, each illustrating different ways personalized healthcare could unfold by 2030.

Additionally, the process included the creation of patient journeys for eight different Canadians, showcasing how individuals, both healthy and with chronic conditions, could experience each scenario. The insights and findings from this collaborative effort were compiled into a comprehensive scenario process report.


Futures Scenarios
The full scenario process report, which includes these scenarios, strategic roadmap, and patient journeys, serves as a vital resource for guiding the future development of personalized healthcare in Canada.


Strategic Roadmap
Co-created a strategic roadmap to support the development of personalized healthcare, providing clear guidance for stakeholders to navigate future challenges and opportunities.


Future Patient Journeys
Narrated patient journeys for eight different Canadians, offering a detailed exploration of how personalized healthcare could impact the lives of individuals across various scenarios.


“I’m a big believer in what’s called personalized medicine, which refers to customizing your health care to your specific needs based on your physiology, genetics, value system and unique conditions.”

— David Agus

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