

Horizon Scanning

→ Deploy a futures study to get in-depth understanding of the changes impacting your organizations.

→ Expert data collection and analysis give key insights into emerging industry dynamics and megatrends.

→ A panoramic view of the horizon and what’s ahead, to help you seize emerging opportunities.

Futures Safari

Venture on an immersive journey to uncover the latest trends and innovations shaping your industry.

Engage with experts and thought leaders across disciplines to gain fresh perspectives and insights.

Witness cutting-edge developments and gain a deeper understanding of the forces driving change in real-time.


Futures Workshops

→ Ignite inspiration and futures-driven innovation with a bespoke keynote, sprint or workshop.

→ Always centered around storytelling and interactivity to keep the audience engaged and maximize learning.

→ About everything from megatrends to industry insights to help you drive positive, outbound change.

Futurist Training

→ Learn ‘how to future’ to empower your team and stay ahead of the curve. Courses in foresight and innovation.

→ Leverage a new view of societal change to create disruptive solutions for tomorrow.

→ A dynamic, collaborative process from futures exploration to tangible actions.


Scenario Planning

Craft futures-driven strategies using scenario planning to prepare for multiple different outcomes.

→ Strategy approach with a longer, broader and more open scope than classic business-as-usual processes.

→ Robust methodology for how to navigate uncertain futures and strategize in co-creation based on foresight.


Access on-demand futurist insights and strategic advice tailored to your specific business needs.

Collaborate with our experts to prepare for potential disruptions and opportunities to stay agile.

Benefit from ongoing guidance and foresight to drive continuous innovation and long-term success.

Futures Ready Organization

Let us help you set up your organization for long-term success by building robust monitoring, developing an internal foresight team, and creating futures scenarios.


"If you've ever doubted the value of Strategic Foresight, it's time to think again. The masterclass in scenario planning from ANTICIPATE revealed the science behind strategic predictions, leaving me undeniably hooked on the future.

If the rollercoaster ride called transformation is just around the corner, why not secure the best seat and enjoy the ride!”

Edith Gillmann
Strategic Project Lead
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

“Mathias Behn Bjørnhof from ANTICIPATE knocked it out of the park, teaching scenario planning to 20 European Media execs. Mathias facilitated to-the-point lectures and practical exercises, earning props for his excellent teaching style and the right blend of theory and hands-on learning.

The feedback was super positive and the participant felt the course was highly relevant to their work. We were all impressed with the energy and expertise Mathias brought to the table."

Frédéric Frantz
Training Business Manager
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

"The strategic foresight seminar really opened our eyes. It got us talking and thinking about the future in ways we hadn't considered, poking holes in our usual assumptions.

Plus, the insights we gained are going to make a big difference as we plot out our long-term roadmap."

Mads Sørensen
Engineering Director

“Future prepared firms enjoy on average a 33% higher profitability and a 200% higher growth rate than their less prepared peers.”

René Rohrbeck & Menes Etingue Kum (2018)