Set up your organization for success by building robust monitoring, developing an internal foresight team, and creating futures scenarios.

The Challenge

You can’t take your organization’s long-term sustainability and competitiveness for granted.

The Invincible Company-framework is a roadmap for organizations seeking to excel in both today and tomorrow. Long-term successful organizations are:

  1. Able to constantly reinvent themselves and explore the future

  2. Competing based on superior business models rather than products or services.

  3. Ambidextrous, adept at simultaneously improving their core while exploring new opportunities beyond boundaries.

Our Approach

Every organization is unique and so is their road to futures readiness.

However, there are number of commonalities that help them thrive and make better decisions for the long term.

  • Training people and their mindsets. 

  • Sharing tools, knowledge, and ideas. 

  • Changing language and communication. 

  • Exploring new spaces and experiences.

  • Building networks and ecosystems.

  • Developing rules and norms. 


Futures culture. Instilling a forward-looking mindset internally of being open, critical, and able to rethink and relearn.

Foresight capabilities. Learning how to leverage the futures strategically and improving the capacity to anticipate.

Scenario-based strategies. Crafting innovation and strategy initiatives tested against a structured futures exploration.

Futures intelligence. Generate futures insights and collect key signals of change and trends that have implications for you.

Anticipatory leadership. Leading from the future and understand how to reinvent, while competing on several horizons.
