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World Futures Day 2024

On March 1st, the world will come together for the annual celebration of World Futures Day, a 24-hour, around-the-globe conversation designed to ignite discussions about the future. This year, a special focus is placed on incorporating the voices of young people, recognizing that it is their future that stands at the forefront of global contemplation.

Initiated by Teach the Future in Partnership with the Millennium Project, and supported by collaborative efforts with various organizations, the Young Voices Edition of World Futures Day aims to engage the younger generation in shaping the discourse on what lies ahead. The event seeks to ensure that the perspectives, dreams, and concerns of the youth are integral to the global narrative about the future.

Why World Futures Day?

World Futures Day, observed annually on March 1st, serves as a catalyst for a worldwide conversation about the future. This day is not merely a dialogue among adults; it is a platform intentionally designed to encourage the active participation of young minds, recognizing their unique insights and visions.

What to Expect on March 1st?

Participants can anticipate a dynamic 24-hour online conversation on Zoom, beginning at 5 pm in every time zone. The event will feature live sessions, engaging discussions, and interactive forums where participants from various corners of the world can join together to explore and imagine possible futures.

Join the Conversation!

The invitation extends to all those curious about the future, especially young people eager to contribute to the intergenerational dialogue. To participate, individuals can RSVP for the online sessions, offering a chance to hear the diverse visions of youngsters and engage in meaningful conversations about the future.

Young Voices at the Center

World Futures Day encourages young people to facilitate sessions and be active contributors to the conversation. Whether bringing their own ideas about the future or listening to the perspectives of others, participants of all ages are invited to be part of this global exchange of thoughts, dreams, and anticipations.

About World Future Day

World Futures Day originated in 2014 as a 24-hour global conversation initiated by the Millennium Project. Building upon the Future Day celebration launched by Humanity+ 12 years ago, this event brings together experts, professionals, and enthusiasts from around the world to discuss the future. In collaboration with the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), Humanity+, and the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), the Millennium Project continues to host this inclusive conversation, ensuring that voices of all ages and backgrounds contribute to shaping our collective understanding of what lies ahead.

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