Join this enlightening conference at the University of Trento, Department of Sociology and Social Sciences, delving into the transformative journey of science. This event aims to revolutionize conventional perspectives, transitioning these sciences from primarily past-oriented endeavors to becoming future-oriented pioneers.
Science is constantly changing. Since the dawn of modern science, science has grown continuously improving its methods and developing new theoretical frames. There is no reason to believe that science in the twenty-first century will be less creative and surprising than twentieth-century science.
Many recent contributions within the social and human sciences have raised issues about the role of the future in their respective fields. Apparently, the time is ripe for turning the social and human sciences upside down and reshaping them from primarily past-oriented sciences to primarily future-oriented ones.
By shifting the focus from the past to the future, the entire conceptual framework of the sciences will change. Exemplifying, the focus on the future reframes the role of past experience, which ceases to be seen as forcing behavior and becomes information about possible futures. The choice now makes sense. The conference will explore this still uncharted but rich opportunities territory.
About the University of Trento: Situated in Trento and Rovereto, the University of Trento has earned recognition for its achievements in education, research, and international relations. CENSIS and the Italian Ministry of Education have acknowledged the university's significant contributions to the academic landscape.