Joining New Communities

We are thrilled to announce our recent affiliations with two dynamic organizations, RADAR and Mischief Makers, marking a significant stride in our journey to craft better futures through collaboration and innovation.

At RADAR, a vibrant global community dedicated to the exploration and construction of promising futures, we've found a group of like-minded individuals who share our passion for making the future accessible and driving meaningful change. With over 400 members across the globe, RADAR fosters engagement through monthly "Community Campfires," local meetups, and support for future-focused initiatives.

Our involvement with RADAR aligns seamlessly with our commitment to enhancing democracies and injecting fun and engagement into future-centric discussions. We are particularly excited about our active role in the Copenhagen chapter and look forward to contributing to RADAR's educational efforts and its diverse thematic signal exchanges.

Concurrently, our engagement with Mischief Makers opens up a new avenue for us to delve into playful and interdisciplinary facilitation techniques. This organization stands out for its emphasis on community and collaborative innovation, resonating with our belief in the transformative power of working together.

By joining Mischief Makers, we aim to refine our facilitation skills, creating spaces where difficult topics can be discussed openly and where multiple potential futures can be envisioned. Our goal is to democratize the process of futures thinking and foresight, making it as inclusive and impactful as possible.

Through these new associations, we are committed to guiding processes, projects, and meetings in a way that unlocks potential and ensures efficient resource use. Our journey with RADAR and Mischief Makers not only amplifies our capacity to shape the future but also strengthens our resolve to foster environments where innovation and collaboration thrive.

Together, we are set to make significant contributions to the fields of future thinking and facilitation, aiming to create a brighter, more collaborative future for all.

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof

A leading strategic foresight consultant, Mathias empowers organizations and individuals to navigate uncertain futures. He has successfully guided multinational corporations, governmental organizations, and start-ups to become futures ready.


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