New Article on How to Become a Better Futurist Published in Compass

In a fresh article published in Compass, the magazine of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF), we have outlined "Seven Things Futurists Can Do Better" in order to refine our skills and broaden our impact.

Commissioned by editor Stephen Dupont after an initial blog post captured his attention, our insights have now been expanded into a detailed exploration of how futurists can enhance their craft.

The article articulates seven essential areas where futurists can intensify their efforts to provide more nuanced and actionable foresight. These key points, which are the core of the article, encourage professionals in our field to scrutinize and evolve their strategies and methodologies. The seven areas are:

  1. Make futures immersive

  2. Speak the language of organizations

  3. Understand where non-futurists come from

  4. Use a problem-driven approach

  5. Realize that ‘normality’ is ever-changing

  6. Identity and language matter

  7. Change the education paradigm

In addition to the primary seven points, there is an eighth, bonus insight, adding further depth to the discussion. We are eager to engage with the broader futurist community and invite feedback, debate, and additional contributions on the topic.

Featured in the latest issue of Compass with the theme "Collapse", the article is a how-to guide to reorient our approaches and worth a read for futurists, strategists, and anyone interested in the mechanisms of futures thinking

The latest issue of Compass, along with the discussed article, is available for perusal on APF's platform.

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof

A leading strategic foresight consultant, Mathias empowers organizations and individuals to navigate uncertain futures. He has successfully guided multinational corporations, governmental organizations, and start-ups to become futures ready.


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