Why Foresight?

If that’s not convincing you, then this might:

Foresight is gaining global momentum

The importance of foresight is gaining serious traction. Major organizations like the UN, EU, OECD, and WEF are now integrating strategic foresight into their core operations. What was once a niche field is now being taught in universities worldwide, with degrees and courses dedicated to it. Even top companies like McDonald's and PepsiCo are establishing foresight roles and departments.

Governments are getting on board too, with nations like Wales, Finland, and Singapore leading the way. This trend shows that foresight is becoming essential for staying ahead. The big question is, what role should foresight play in your organization? Thinking long-term is quickly becoming a necessity.

Foresight empowers you to shape the futures

To shape the futures, you need to understand the broader landscape of change—not just what's happening now, but also what could happen in the futurea. The futures aren’t set in stone; you have the power to influence them. Every decision you make is about the futures, so it’s crucial to consider both the current changes and the potential shifts ahead.

The world is constantly evolving, whether you’re ready for it or not. Instead of just reacting to changes as they come, why not actively engage in shaping the future? Foresight allows you to anticipate and influence the direction of change, giving you a proactive role in creating the futures you want to see.

Foresight keeps you sharp in a changing world

Foresight helps you break free from biases and outdated ways of thinking. It challenges you to rethink old assumptions and explore new possibilities, making you more adaptable and resilient. Plus, it’s an intellectually stimulating and rewarding exercise that can greatly improve your decision-making.

As American philosopher Eric Hoffer said, "In times of change, the learners will inherit the world, while the knowers will be beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists." Foresight keeps you in a learning mindset, equipping you to navigate and thrive in a rapidly changing world.


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