Futures Glossary

Futures Studies

The study and exploration of possible, probable, and preferable futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. It seeks to understand what is likely to continue, what is likely to change, and what is novel.

(Strategic) Foresight

Systematic, participatory and long-term process aimed at present-day decisions and mobilizing collective actions. Strategic foresight is about the integration of futures thinking into the strategy-making process of an organization.


Scenarios are snapshots of plausible, alternative futures with narratives about the way the world might turn out tomorrow. Stories that can help us recognize and adapt to changing aspects of our present environment.


Uncertainty is the most pervasive factor of decision-making. Uncertainties are key issues that are hard to predict the outcome of. Part of the goal of foresight and futures is to navigate uncertainty


A technique that uses historical data and models as inputs to make informed estimates that are predictive in determining the direction of future trends. Uses probabilistic statements and useful if we need to deal with foreseeable challenges and opportunities.


A planning method that starts with defining a desirable future and then works backward to identify the steps needed to connect the current situation to that future vision.

Horizon Scanning

The systematic examination of potential threats, opportunities, and developments at the margins of current thinking, crucial for identifying emerging issues. An ongoing process to monitor and anticipate changes in the external environment.

Change Dynamics

Change dynamics refer to the way in which various factors or forces interact and influence the process of change within society. Can be trends, discontinuities, novelties, legacies, drivers, and blockers.


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