Workshop: Navigating Megatrends and Polycrises in the Energy Sector

In a dynamic fusion of foresight and innovation, we recently facilitated a second workshop for a tech company in the energy sector, delving deep into the intersection of megatrends and polycrises. Facilitated for 35 product designers and engineers, this workshop marked a significant step towards fostering a futures culture and enhancing futures readiness within the organization.

Over the course of three intense hours, participants embarked on a journey of anticipation and scenario analysis, envisioning potential futures for 2030 and creating innovative product prototypes 'from the future'. The workshop navigated through five critical infliction points where megatrends and polycrises intersect, shedding light on the complexities and challenges facing the energy sector in the years to come.

From the implications of a growing global middle class on energy demand to the transformative impacts of AI and automation, participants grappled with the dualities of opportunity and threat inherent in these intersecting forces. They explored the nuances of economic uncertainty, market volatility, and the imperative for sustainability amidst the climate crisis versus energy crisis dilemma.

Moreover, the workshop delved into the evolving landscape of democracy, highlighting how shifting worldviews and political agendas pose challenges to the future of democratic governance. Through engaging discussions and hands-on activities, participants gained valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of the energy sector's future and the role of foresight in driving innovation.

A key takeaway from the workshop was the importance of instilling a futures culture within organizations. Participants emphasized the need for bottom-up initiative, top-level buy-in, and a willingness to consider diverse perspectives. By embracing a long-term outlook and adopting an outside-in approach, organizations can enhance their resilience and adaptability in an increasingly complex and uncertain world.

As the company continues to champion foresight and innovation in the energy sector, workshops like these serve as catalysts for driving meaningful change and shaping a more resilient future.

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof

A leading strategic foresight consultant, Mathias empowers organizations and individuals to navigate uncertain futures. He has successfully guided multinational corporations, governmental organizations, and start-ups to become futures ready.


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