ANTICIPATE Ventures into Democracy Lab

To continue our work towards democratizing futures, ANTICIPATE have relocated to Demokrati Lab, nestled within the vibrant community of Demokrati Garagen. This strategic decision aligns with ANTICIPATE's commitment to fostering participatory approaches, co-creation, and democratic organizational models.

Demokrati Lab serves as a hub for cooperative, democratically organized entrepreneurs, providing a dynamic coworking space and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. ANTICIPATE's integration into this community marks a significant step towards empowering individuals and democratizing the process of shaping futures.

The move to Demokrati Lab signifies ANTICIPATE's dedication to exploring the futures of democracy at various levels, from local communities to geopolitical landscapes. By fostering a culture of democratic entrepreneurship and cooperative ownership models, ANTICIPATE aims to drive meaningful change and create value for both its organization and the broader society.

In addition to its physical relocation, ANTICIPATE also reaffirms its commitment to democratizing futures through the development of free resources and initiatives in the coming year. Collaborations with organizations such as We Do Democracy, cirka cph, and Sidestream will further deepen ANTICIPATE's exploration of urban and sustainable futures.

With a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to collaboration, ANTICIPATE looks forward to shaping a more democratic and inclusive future for all.

Join us in democratizing futures and shaping a better tomorrow.

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof

A leading strategic foresight consultant, Mathias empowers organizations and individuals to navigate uncertain futures. He has successfully guided multinational corporations, governmental organizations, and start-ups to become futures ready.


Launch of New Calendar for Futures & Foresight Events