Urban Futures: Five Signals of Change

Cities are key hubs and drivers of the future. But what do we need to be aware of? Here are five important signals of change across each STEEP parameter about the future of cities.

Photo by Meiying Ng on Unsplash

Cities are not just clusters of buildings and roads; they are the beating hearts of modern civilization. As we look towards 2050, when over two-thirds of humanity will reside in urban areas, many in sprawling megacities, it's clear that the future of our planet hinges significantly on the evolution of these urban landscapes. Cities are powerhouses of global economies, crucibles of culture and innovation, and epicenters of sustainability challenges and solutions. Understanding the multi-faceted role of cities is crucial to shaping a future that is both prosperous and sustainable.


Urban Liveability & the Affordability Crisis

The Big Picture

Recent rankings by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) highlight a growing paradox in cities like Zurich. While celebrated for their high quality of life, these cities are simultaneously grappling with an escalating affordability crisis.

Why It Matters

The correlation between high livability and high living costs leads to a concerning trend: cities becoming enclaves for the wealthy, inaccessible to average citizens. This disparity threatens the very fabric of urban inclusivity.

The Case

Zurich, often lauded for its exceptional living standards, is now facing a crisis with skyrocketing housing costs. This situation underscores the need for more comprehensive urban assessments that consider both quality of life and affordability.

The Bottom Line

For cities to remain diverse and vibrant, it is imperative to strike a balance between high livability and affordability. Failing this, cities risk becoming exclusive domains favoring only the affluent.

Question for the Future

How can cities maintain high livability while addressing the affordability crisis to ensure inclusivity for all residents?


Advanced Air Mobility

The Big Picture

The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) recognition of Alef Aeronautics' flying car model marks a significant milestone in the development of advanced air mobility for urban transportation.

Why It Matters

Despite technological progress, flying cars' integration into urban settings faces considerable challenges, including regulatory and safety concerns.

The Case

Alef's Model A, with its FAA approval, showcases the potential of flying cars. However, issues such as technological gaps and safety considerations remain unresolved, hindering their widespread adoption in urban environments.

The Bottom Line

The integration of flying cars into cities confronts barriers, including technological advancements and stringent safety measures, which are crucial for their viability.

Question for the Future

How can the industry address tech, regulatory, and safety challenges for flying cars' viability and safety in urban environments?


Cities as Drivers of Growth

The Big Picture

World Habitat Day has put the spotlight on cities as pivotal drivers of economic recovery, emphasizing their role in global growth.

Why It Matters

Housing more than half the global population, cities are central to national economies and vital for sustainable development.

The Case

UN-Habitat points out significant challenges in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11), which focuses on sustainable cities and communities. The organization emphasizes the importance of data and fair financial systems to support urbanization.

The Bottom Line

Building resilient, safe, and sustainable cities is aligned with the SDGs, driving a fair and green future. This endeavor necessitates coordinated global efforts.

Question for the Future

How can global collaboration effectively address the challenges in achieving SDG 11, fostering sustainable urbanization and inclusive development?


Climate-positive Concrete

The Big Picture

Partanna, co-founded by former NBA star Rick Fox, offers an innovative solution to the environmental impact of traditional cement with its climate-positive concrete alternative.

Why It Matters

Current cement production practices are projected to double CO2 emissions by 2050. This alarming trend necessitates a sustainable alternative in the construction industry.

The Case

Partanna's concrete, utilizing steel slag and desalination brine, not only offers an environmentally friendly alternative but also absorbs CO2 over its lifespan, contributing to a climate-positive outcome.

The Bottom Line

Innovations like Partanna’s concrete could revolutionize the construction industry, offering a sustainable alternative that benefits the environment.

Question for the Future

How fast can the construction industry adopt more sustainable types of concrete, considering resistance to change and the global collaboration needed for climate challenges?


Cities’ Powerplay with Nation-States

The Big Picture

Cities are increasingly stepping into the global spotlight, challenging the dominance of nation-states in shaping the future of governance and policy-making.

Why It Matters

Traditional governance structures struggle to address pressing global challenges like climate change and pandemics, while cities offer agility and innovation crucial for effective action on the ground.

The Case

Initiatives like the C40 Cities network demonstrate cities' commitment to tackling climate change through ambitious goals and collaborative efforts. However, their actual impact on a global scale remains under scrutiny.

The Bottom Line

Despite facing hurdles like national regulations and corporate influence, cities hold the potential to drive significant change by prioritizing collaboration over competition and leveraging their unique strengths.

Question for the Future

Can cities overcome barriers such as regulatory constraints and corporate interests to become genuine global change agents, and how can they ensure inclusivity in this role?

Read our full article about whether majors will rule the world.

Looking Ahead

Cities stand at the crossroads of our future, embodying the complexities of economic growth, technological innovation, social inclusivity, and environmental sustainability. As we forge ahead, the focus on urban development will be crucial in shaping a world that is resilient, equitable, and thriving.


  1. Eliza Relman. "The global cities with the best quality of life show how dire the affordability crisis is" Business Insider, 2023. https://www.businessinsider.com/cities-best-quality-life-also-least-affordable-real-estate-prices-2023-12

  2. Adrienne Bernhard. "How close are we really to flying cars?" BBC Future, 2023. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230714-whats-standing-in-the-way-of-the-flying-car

  3. "World Habitat Day focuses on cities as drivers of growth" UN News, 2023. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1141772

  4. Faustine Ngila. "The Bahamas is introducing the world's first carbon-negative construction tech." Quartz, 2023. https://qz.com/bahamas-brine-pozzolana-partanna-carbon-credits-cement-1850944363

Looking to do horizon scanning, gather futures intelligence and spot signals of change?

Mathias Behn Bjørnhof

A leading strategic foresight consultant, Mathias empowers organizations and individuals to navigate uncertain futures. He has successfully guided multinational corporations, governmental organizations, and start-ups to become futures ready.


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