Strategic Foresight Process for Energy Company

Strategizing for the Futures of Energy

Setting a future-driven strategic direction for a new leadership team


While the oil & gas industry will continue to play a vital role in energy supply for many years to come, it is crucial to recognize the increasing risks and challenges that threaten the long-term viability of the industry. In a time of profit and success, it's crucial to think ahead and be proactive.


A Futures Brief and homework exercises led into three days of workshopping, where we explored topics from talent attraction to revenue streams, and the client’s future role in the energy sector. The retreat aimed to foster structured futures thinking among key stakeholder, making them to reflect on the company's current and future position.


Scenario Implications
Developed strategically relevant scenarios for the future of the energy sector with clear implications based on key themes and uncertainties.


Strategy Roadmap
The creation of robust, futures-driven and -tested strategic initiatives to be implemented in strategic roadmap.


Futures Thinking
Promoted the realization among participants that the future is not predetermined, how to overcome biases, and acknowledge their agency in shaping the future strategic direction.


“The strategic foresight seminar really opened our eyes. It got us talking and thinking about the future in ways we hadn't considered, poking holes in our usual assumptions.

Plus, the insights we gained are going to make a big difference as we plot out our long-term roadmap”

— Testimonial from Engineering Director

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Strategic Futures Thinking


Democratising Futures Lab