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Futures of Democracy


Democracy Futures

Welcome to the Democracy Futures Radar, a cutting-edge project created in collaboration with Fibres.

This initiative showcases key change dynamics within the field of democracy using the STEEP framework.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and nuanced view of the forces shaping the future of democracy worldwide. Explore the radar in full.

How we work with
the Futures of Democracy

We host workshops, labs, and longer programs with organizations and citizens on how to use the futures to reimagine and strengthen democracy.

  • Exploring democracy at local, national, and geopolitical levels, especially as we head into a defining year of elections.

    In a world of democratic decline, polarization, conflicts and societal trust issues, it's crucial to rethink how we strengthen our democracies for the future.

    We need more transparency, more understanding across cultures and communities, and new visions for better futures.

  • Designing a democratic, cooperative model for ANTICIPATE as an organization to lead the way.

    The way we work is evolving, and so are our expectations. Many people looking for meaning, responsibility, and a shared purpose.

    A way forward is to embrace democratic and cooperative leadership and ownership that have proven to perform very well on several key parameters.

  • Promoting futures thinking and literacy as essential capabilities for the 21st century.

    Agency in shaping tomorrow belongs to everyone, and it's crucial to cultivate futures literacy in an uncertain world. We all deserve a voice in creating the future.

    Teaching people to be better futures thinkers will be essential for navigating complexities and fostering meaningful change across society.


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