Examine the evolving challenges and advancements in energy and resources, crucial for a resilient and thriving planet.

We offer in-depth analyses and valuable insights to keep you informed.

Energy & Resources Shifts


5Ds of Energy

In the rapidly evolving and critical energy landscape, five key megashifts are shaping the future of the industry.

These key issues, that we have coined the "5Ds of Energy", represent critical shifts that are driving innovation, sustainability, and resilience in the energy sector.

These 5Ds represent the foundational pillars of the energy transition, guiding us toward a cleaner, more efficient, and resilient energy landscape.

  • The energy landscape is shifting from large, centralized power plants to distributed energy resources (DERs) like onsite solar panels and batteries, enhancing energy reliability and consumer control.

  • Regulatory pressures such as the European Energy Directive and the Paris Agreement are driving companies to reduce their carbon footprints, with renewable energy investments surpassing fossil fuels.

  • The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the energy sector brings enhanced data collection and real-time energy management, improving efficiency and decision-making.

  • Global energy consumption is projected to rise, especially in non-OECD countries, while Europe transitions to renewable energy.

  • The integration of diverse energy sources, including green hydrogen, nuclear, and renewables, is crucial for a resilient energy system.

How we work with
Energy & Resources Shifts

We conduct scenario planning and futures-driven innovation processes with organizations and multi-stakeholder groups to help anticipate and shape the futures of energy and resources.


Futures of Democracy


Urban Transformation