Artificial intelligence is omnipresent, reshaping every facet of our lives. This theme explores the rise of mixed reality, transforming the human experience in a tech-driven world. Media realities are rapidly changing, heavily influenced by social media and the constant connection it fosters.

The attention economy and emerging technologies drive continuous change, while the splinternet reflects a fragmented digital landscape. Dive into this revolution to understand the profound impacts of technology, media, and AI on our daily lives and future.

AI, Tech & Media Revolution


Welcome to the Splinternet

In a year marked by critical elections worldwide, the splinternet—where the internet fragments into regional, controlled sections—poses unique challenges.

This spotlighted article explores how digital fragmentation influences voter behavior and election integrity.

Read the full article here.

How we work with
AI, Tech & Media Revolution

We are constantly scanning for emerging technologies and trends. We work with organizations to deliver trainings and longer programs to improve AI literacy and understand its implications. We also collaborate strategically with organizations to uncover the human experience in a tech-driven world.


Urban Transformation